HD-C30 Videotron & Running Text Controller Card | Sending & Receiving Card RGB


HD-C30 Hybrid 2in1 (SENDING + RECEIVING) Full Colour Videotron Controller 
Resolusi Pixel : 480 x 640
Koneksi Sambungan : USB dan Ethernet
- Model: HD-C30
- Resolusi (max): 480 (T) x 640 (L)
- Tegangan: DC 5V

Ekuivalen uk. module P10: 30 baris (T) x 20 modul (L)
300 (T) x 1,024 (L)
512 (T) x 600 (L) 

Controller atau driver videotron FULL COLOR tipe HD C30 untuk videotron ukuran sedang asynchronous. Fitur HYBRID: Dapat berfungsi TANPA RECEIVING CARD (2-in-1 built-in sending + receiving card) dan juga dapat dikombinasikan dengan RECEIVING CARD.

Spesifikasi Ringkas
Model: HD-C30 | Tegangan DC 5V | Resolusi: 480 x 640 (max) | Data communication port: USB, RJ45 dan 3G GSM (optional) | Support file format: AVI, WMV, MP4, 3GP, ASF, MPG, FLV, F4V, MKV, MOV, DAT, VOB, TRP, TS, WEBM, GIF, JPG, JPEG, PNG, BMP, RTF, TXT

- Controller card model : HD-C30
- Tegangan input : DC 5V
- Power : 0.5W
- Support tipe module LED matrix : SMD maupun DIP P4, P5, P8, P10, FULL colour module, support module dengan PWM chips MBI5041/5042, MBI5050, MY9221, MY9268
- Rentang resolusi (pixel range) - RGB FULL colour --> 480 x 640 pixels (Max) | 300 x 1,024 pixels | 512 x 600 pixels
- Grey level : 65536 adjustable
- Support receiving cards - R500 dengan rentang pixels 128 (T) x 256 (L)
- R501 dengan rentang pixels 192 (T) x 256 (L)
- Controller software/system : HD Player
- Scan mode : Static to 1/32 scan
- Memori internal : On-Board 4GB
- Komunikasi (data input) port : USB2.0 | 10/100 RJ45 Ethernet | Wifi & 3G GSM (OPTIONAL - TIDAK INCLUDE)
- Interface port : 2 x 50 pin output port to hub dan 1 x Ethernet RJ45 output to receiving card
- Support format video dan gambar : AVI, WMV, MP4, 3GP, ASF, MPG, FLV, F4V, MKV, MOV, DAT, VOB, TRP, TS, WEBM, GIF, JPG, JPEG, PNG, BMP, word, TXT, RTF, HTML, dsb.

*FREE HUB75 x 10ports atau 10 BARIS !!!

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HD-C30 Videotron & Running Text Controller Card | Sending & Receiving Card RGB

  • Terjual: 4352
  • Kode: J45
  • Ketersediaan: Tersedia
  • Rp. 2.600.000
  • Harga: Rp. 2.600.000